So if you ever were in a school band or are in one now, that's great! I truly love music and listening to bands. They play lovely music, just one thing... I don't like playing in them. I was in band up until high school. I played the Euphonium (which is basically a baby tuba and no one has ever heard of it) I liked band in 6th grade, but then when I hit seventh practicing became more of a job and less of something I loved to do. I lost my passion for band and I think my directors could tell, but that only made them try harder to keep me in it. But that burning passion I had when I stated just never came back. I still practiced and put on a smile in the class but really I was dreading every second of it. I stated only giving half effort in my playing which caused me to fall behind my friends. This led to my insecurities about myself like: "You Suck!" Or "You're Worthless!" "The band would be so much better if you stopped playing!" And that what I did for 6 whole mouths in the 7th grade I stopped playing with the band, I still practiced at home, But it was only my private lesson music. No one noticed my silence and no one cared.
That was until the start of 8th grade. My private lessons teacher noticed my change in attitude one day when we were playing I can show you the world I kept stopping because I thought it sounded awful. He asked me what was wrong, and I told him. That was the moment I decided I have to stop giving it my half best, Not for me, not for my band directors, but because I made a commitment and I had to see it through, I had to beat band. After I made that decision, My whole life changed. I started to care. I still was not going to carry on doing band. But I worked harder than I had all year and now I wasn't dreading band. I saw it as a challenge, something in my life that I thought would be too hard to get through, but now that I'm done with it, I feel as light as air knowing my last month or two was spent with 100% of my effort!
So I guess if you want to take anything away from this let it be this, Some Things might be hard and you might want to quite right in the middle, but don't! Find one person that will stand behind you and Finnish it! My passion for band might be totally gone, but I will always remember what I learned in band I now I don't have to ask 'what if?'
Let me know if you are/were in band, and did you ever feel like giving up? what helped you get through it?
-Just Another Blogger
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