Friday, June 26, 2015

Garden of the Gods

My trip to Colorado has been mostly rocks... Yep just rocks. So I decided to take some pictures of these rocks (they look really cool) and share them with you!!! The place where I took these pictures was the Garden of the Gods and the mountain in the background is Pikes Peak! Enjoy!

This one is called the kissing camel... I kinda see it... 

Image result for kissing Camel

-Just Another Blogger

Monday, June 22, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 7

Image result for scratch and sniff stickers

So today is the 2nd or 3rd day on my trip and it is AWESOME! I hope you liked my little post about the road trip ( I will post some more pictures of my adventures later this week!

Prompt: create 3 new scratch and sniff stickers. What do they look like?

  1. Smells like rainbow sparkles and imagination!!!

2.  Smells like your tears when crying over fictional characters :'(

3. The smell of new (or old) books!

So I hope you liked my ideas for new scratch and sniff stickers! I decided since I am on vacation I’m going to take a break for doing these prompts… sorry, I just need a little time to enjoy traveling not worrying about getting up a post (hope you can understand) What are your ideas for new scratch and sniff stickers???????

-Just Another Blogger

Sunday, June 21, 2015


So this week i'm going on vacation in Colorado! My family decided instead of flying we were gonna drive. It is only a 12-14 hour drive so it wasn't too bad, and I decided to take some pictures for you guys! So I hope you enjoy!

You would think going to Colorado it would be hilly and exciting... It's not! The trip was just flat. So for the entire trip this is what you saw outside your window... Other that the occasional cow and a few train tracks this was it... We tried to play I-Spy but it went a little like this:
"I spy something green"
"I spy something green"
My brother and I did that for an hour! I'm surprised I still have my sanity after that trip.

Through out every state we drove through with out fail we saw wind farms! They were so pretty! There was littarty miles of them. Also throughout the whole trip we was huge trucks carrying parts to build the turbines. For the longest time we couldn't finger out what the parts were so I made the conclusion that they were building UFOs... But nope they were wind turbines...but you have to admit my idea was way cooler.

From Texas to Colorado we didn't pass through a whole lot of big cities, but you can sure bet we went through a whole lot of small towns. A lot of them where a bit beaten up but they were beautiful! the old cars and architecture were amazing, because I love that kind of stuff! It took us maybe less than 5 minutes to drive through some of the towns until we were back looking at the flat endless road... Fun right?

I honestly kinda enjoyed the car ride but I'm really looking forward to spending a week in Colorado! Sometime later this week you can expect more pictures (hopefully not so flat this time)!

-Just Another Blogger

Writing Prompt! Day 6

Sorry I skiped yesterday but sometime this evening look out for another blog post! Just a heads up!

Prompt: Create three original screen names and passwords that the Easter Bunny may use to long in to check his email.

Username:  Easterbun-bun372137
Password: EB_isthebest

Username: Coloredeggs4life
Password: Carrotsandeggs

Username: Kool_Rabbit123
Password:  Better_thansanta284

Again be on the look out for a second post tonight! I had a lot of fun writing this prompt! I hope you guys are still enjoying these and let me know in the comments what you that you think the Easter Bunny's username and password would be???

-Just Another Blogger

Friday, June 19, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 5

 So today is my first day of my road trip! I will post pictures and recaps on any adventures I have soon!

Prompt: Write 5 original fortune for fortune cookies.

  1. Smile at the next cat you see... It will give you magic powers!
  2. Next time you cry a baseball will hit you in the foot!
  3. When you cheat next on a board game you will win by a land slide!
  4. I wouldn't eat this cookie if I were you... It's probably position...

They should seriously hire me to write fortune cookies. So while I was writing these (sorry if they were a little weird... The prompt did say original) I was eating some of the 100  fortune cookies I ordered off of amazon. Don't ask why just know that my fortune where way better! ;)

-Just Another Blogger

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 4

So I'm going on a road trip for a week or two and I wont be able write a whole lot but I am going to try to keep up these daily writing prompts for you. I hope you understand if I accidentally skip a day or just cant find time to do it. thanks!

Prompt: Name one thing you wish your cell phone did that is does not currently do.

Imagination a world where in you could temporarily teleport to whoever your taking to with the click of a button! That world is one I want to live in. I wish my phone could teleport me to any person I call, but then send me back once I hang up. This would make comforting friends when they'er sad 100% easier because in the click of a button you can be there to give them a hug! Or if you just want to hang out with someone you could be there in the snap of your finger!

Sorry if that was not a very unique response but it is honestly what I wish for the most when on the phone. What is one thing you wish your cell phone did that is does not currently do? Leave your answer in the comments bellow.

-Just Another Blogger

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 3

Day 3! wooooooo!

Prompt: If you wrote a song about your love life, what would the title be? Write the first verse.

Title: "Just not ready yet."

Never saw the point of young love
All those broken hearts
Everyone acting like a dove
until their covered in scares.
I made the choice of purity
So I can enjoy my reality
because i'm just not ready yet.

Thank goodness i’m not a songwriter! I hope you enjoyed that. If you can't tell by my little song my love life is nonexistent. Sense i’m still kinda young I don't really see the point of dating right now because I feel i'm not at the point in my life were i'm ready to be with someone else. Ya... so I hope liked that! Please leave your love songs down below in comments!

-Just Another Blogger

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 2

Yay! I’m back! You guys seemed to really like this so here is day 2! Keep in mind some of these are short but I hope you still enjoy them!

Prompt: 10 things on your bucket list.

Meet Dan and Phil
Go to Kenya
Get married to the perferct person
Set foot on every continent
Write a book
Meet John Green
Go on a missions trip and be able to change people's lives
Go on a really long road trip with my friends
Go bungee jumping
Overcome my greatest fear (i’m not telling you what it is :P)

BE HAPPY!!!!!!

Again hope you enjoys that! Be sure to comment what 10 things are on your bucket list below!

-Just Another Blogger

Monday, June 15, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 1

I just bought a book called “500 Writing Prompts” after seeing another blog post about it. I loved the Idea of posting daily prompts for you guys. Please go over to as they were the ones to inspire these series of posts!

Anywho, So this book is basicly just a bunch of writing prompts (as the name implies) and I thought it might be fun to share my responses with you guys! Hope you Enjoy!!!


Prompt: While at the beach you decide to write a message in a bottle. What does it say? Who do you want to find it?

Dear Pirates, Adventures, random fish people, or whoever finds this,

You either picked this up for one of three reasons:
  1. You thought it was litter and were going to throw it away. ( I thank you for your concern about the habitat)
  2. You thought this might contain beer and wanted to drink it.
  3. You thought this bottle might contain a secret message and you want to read it to maybe find buried treasure or something else that's really cool!

Now you have a bottle… And if you read this far (or even reading this at all) I might as well tell you something important! Very Important! Something so important it will change your life FOREVER! The secrets of life are hidden in this bottle! Are you ready? 3… 2… 1…

All the books you ever read have all come true!! AHHHHHH! THIS IS SO COOL!

Just kidding… sorry… but wouldn’t that be awesome! There really is nothing special in this bottle. I just found it and it had some super old and boring treasure map so I decided to write this on the back…

A Random Person!

I hope you all enjoyed that! Please feel free to post your responses in the comments below because I would love to hear them!!!!

-Just Another Blogger

Saturday, June 13, 2015

31 ethier or questions!

  1. Black and white or color? Black and White because it makes me feel like i’m a time traveler!
  2. Dresses or skirts? Dresses, Skirts take too much effort to find a shirt to go with it.
  3. Books or movies? BOOKS!!!!
  4. Pepsi or Coke? I don’t drink soda
  5. Introvert or extrovert? Both… ya. kinda…
  6. Winter or summer? Winter, but only when it snows!
  7. Spring or fall? Fall! I love the colors!
  8. Rural or urban? Urban to visit (I love big cities) and a mix of the two to live in.
  9. Ice cream or yogurt? Ice Cream
  10. Boots or sandals? Boots!!!
  11. Silver or gold? Gold
  12. Crushed ice or cubed ice? Crushed… until it gets stuck in your straw.
  13. Numbers or letters? Letters! They let you express yourself more even though there’s less of them!
  14. Washing dishes or doing laundry? Laundry! I Love doing the laundry! DON’T ASK!!!
  15. Think before you talk or talk before you think? Definitely Talk before I think!
  16. Leather or denim? Are you kidding me?!? LEATHER!!!
  17. Truth or dare? DARE!
  18. Marvel or DC? Marvel all the way!
  19. Classic or modern? Classic!
  20. Pen or pencil? Pencil. I make WAY too many mistakes to use a pen!
  21. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise!
  22. Hugs or kisses? Hugs! *Hugs you through the screen*
  23. Ketchup or mustard? Ketchup
  25. Black leather or brown leather? Black!
  26. Picnic or nice restaurant? Picnic! Restaurants are loud and take too long to get your food…
  27. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”? “Ready, fire, aim” (Nothing to explain)
  28. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? Roller Coasters!
  29. Skydive or bungee jump? Bungee Jump! I just need someone to do it with me. *Wink Wink*
  30. Call or text? Text for unimportant things but call for important stuff
Adventurous or cautious? Adventurous. Lets all go on an adventure!

-Just Another Blogger

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Impossible

Hey... Sorry, this past few days have gone by in one big blur of stress! So today I did the impossible! Yes today June 9th 2015 the impossible has become possible!!! I WENT TO A WATER PARK ALL DAY AND DID NOT GET A SUNBURN! Before you go and undermine my success let me just tell you how hard this was for me to do this. I, being the palest person on the face of the Earth, can and will burn if I'm in direct sunlight for more than 30 seconds. As many of us internet nerds can testify to the sun can be an unforgiving hot ball of burning DEATH! So when I burn not only does my skin turn bright red, but it bubbles and is burning hot for WEEKS! I'm guessing you all can see why I am over the moon (and the stars) about avoiding all that painful aftermath of a day at a water park. So my friends, here are three things I want you to take away from my story:

1. Wear lots of sunblock and apply it 100x a day!
2. The impossible can be possible
3. Water parks are really fun!

-Just Another Blogger