Saturday, November 21, 2015


So lately people at my school have been STRESSED OUT!!! Personally I don't get super stressed out about small thing but it feels like 95% of my the people in my class think the world is ending whenever the words "test" "quiz" "homework" "grade" "late" "due" "75" or "algebra" Which to be fair at times those can be pretty stressful words, but when you stress about them ALL THE TIME it becomes hard to even think or process new information.

Image result for stress quotes

Stress is our body's emergency system and is there to give us a quick burst of energy to get out of a dangerous situation. But when you are stressed 95% of the time is can leave some nasty effects on your body. For Example did you know that people who have constant elevated stress leaves are more prone to getting to having their stress manifest into physical illness. So if you been stressed and you wake up one morning feeling like your heads pounding and stomach is in a knot, it might be because you got too stressed for too long.  

Here are a few quick facts about stress that might motivate you to take a deep breath and just relax:

Stress is one of the main factors causing insomnia and other sleep disorders. When stressors are present, the body naturally heightens its response system, thus, leading to wakefulness.

Stress causes chest pain, high cholesterol, cardiac problems, depression, and a host of assorted problems. It is not the culprit that causes gray hair; but it does cause hair loss.

In the 1930s, Hans Selye, an endocrinologist, first used the term stress in an organic framework. He used the term in his study with animals which, he concluded, had similar responses to stress as humans, e.g., hypertension, lingering back pain, and chronic abdominal problems.

Stress is interconnected with the topmost causes of death globally: accidents, cancer, heart disease, suicide, lung disorders, and cirrhosis of the liver.

So I know stress is part of everyone's life but when you feel stressed take a deep breath and think about why you stressed (can you control it?) is there anything you can do to stop it?

-Just Another Blogger

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Just a little update!

Im working on a blog post curnetly all about my Halloween!!! So until thats done.... Here is just a little somthing to hold you over. (sorry thing are still crazy)

Image result for halloweenImage result for halloweenImage result for halloweenImage result for halloweenImage result for halloween jokesImage result for halloween puns

-Just Another Blogger

Monday, October 19, 2015

Where have I been...

So... I think I should just start off by saying sorry. I've been a little inactive and i have no excuse than I got busy and forgot... I know i'm the worst. Like I said no excuse. So lets just forgive and forget and move one with our lives. :P

So I wanna know what you guess want to see on this blog? More tags? More writing? More personal stuff? More book reviews? More of something I've never done before? LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!!!

Lets just hit the restart on these last few weeks and work to make this blog the best it can be and I cant do that without your help! I want you how much you mean to me and how much I value all of you (yes all 4 of my followers :P) I love and value all of you.

-Just another Blogger

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Friday, October 2, 2015

Can we all just be candles?

Why can't we all just act like candles? Seriously! 

When you think of candles you think of fire or nice smells. But think about lighting candles, How you can start with just one candle and one little flame you can light a million candles and still not take anything away form the original candle. My opinion is we should all be like candles and do actions everyday to light others candles. Think of how bright the world would be if we just went around helping others and lighting candles!

What are you going to do today to light someones candle?

-Just Another Blogger

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Global Goals!!!!!!!!

HEY! So I want to jump straight into this! The global goals! This is truly an amazing thing! Basically on Sept. 25  17 goals will be adopted by over 190 world leaders, that will all work to End extreme poverty. Fight inequality & injustice. Fix climate change by the year 2030!! How amazing is that! If you're like me and want to support this here's what you can do!
  • TELL PEOPLE!!!!! Get the word out! Tell everyone you can!
  • Write in on your hand! Each goal has a number and what i'm doing is writing the number I most support or want to see on my hand for the rest of the week!
  • Do whatever you want and post it on twitter and tag me in it so I can see how you are bringing awareness to this!!!!The Info:

Twitter: @TheGlobalGoals


1 - No Poverty
2 - Zero Hunger
3 - Good Health and Well-Being
4 - Quality Education
5 - Gender Equality
6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10 - Reduced Inequalities
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
13 - Climate Action
14 - Life Below Water
15 - Life On Land
16 - Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
17 - Partnerships for the Goals


Let me know which goal you pick in the comments and share you pictures with me on twitter (

-Just another Blogger

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Fun Question Tag!!!

Sorr about the lack of post I had school and sickness to deal with... BUT! I'm here now! So here is the Fun Questions tag (I found it here)

1) When is your birthday?
Dec. 14!

2) What are 3 of your favorite colors?
Blush pink
Blue (any type)
3) What are your 3 favorites quotes?

4) Are you addicted to YouTube?

5) What are 3 of your favorite shows on TV or YouTube or both?
Glee! Free! and Kick the PJ

6) What are 3 qualities you like in a best friend?
Someone to just listen 
Knows how to love (something most people don't really know what to do)

7) Do you like your name?

8) If you have the choice to pick your own name, what will it be?
I don't know... I like my name

9) What is your fantasy dream?
I want to set foot in ever contaminate!

10) Do you wear makeup?
Not a lot, but yes some

11) If you could write a book, what would the title be and what would it be about?
I'm actually working on writing a book right now... Your just gonna have to follow my blog and stick around to fine count more about it ;)

12) What makes you cry?
Sad movies.

13) What makes you angry?

14) What makes you happy?
Almost everything, I'm a very happy person

15) What is "Fangirling?"
16) What are your 3 favorites snacks?

17) What are your 3 favorite foods?

18) What are your 3 favorite drinks?
Water (that's really all I drink...)

19) Can you tell us a little about yourself?
You really know a lot about me... but if you haven't read my TMI tag ( Here )

20) What are 10 random facts about you?
Again... you cant have 5x that many in my TMI tag.

21) What are your 3 fun things to do?
Go high adventure camping
i'm learning the guitar

Hope you liked that!!!!!!!

-Just Another Blogger

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