Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Balance Keepers: The Fires of Calderon By: Lindsay Cummings

 Harry Potter meets Heroes of Olympus meets Steampunk meets AWESOME! If that isn't the best way to describe a book I don’t know what is.

Late last year I got the incredible opportunity to meet the Author, she was super fun and imaginative, and her personality definitely bleeds through in her writing.  To me it feels like the book is targeted towards 10-13 year old boys (But I'm neither and I still enjoyed it) The main character Albert finds himself in a boring summer job sorting through all the mail that never got delivered, He finds everything from halfheartedly written birthday cards to year old fruitcake, But one thing he never expected we one day a small black dog wanders into his sorting room with a letter from his dad. The letter asked Albert to deliver the contents to some hermit out in the middle of the woods. Albert knew this must be important or else his dad wouldn't have asked him to deliver the letter. Albert gets lost and finds out that the small dog that is leading him isn't quite… Normal.  His eyes glow bright blue in the dark! Once Albert finds his way the dog leads him to a huge, fat, short tree and what he finds inside will change his life forever, because of the friends he will gain and the amazing powers he unknowingly acquired!!! (if that doesn't sound cool than I don't don't know what awesome looks like any more) This is definitely a fantasy book, But it also has action and comedy. This is going to be a series, only one book is out at the moment but the next one will be out later this year... I think.

FINAL THOUGHTS:  This book made me happy to read and kept me up late at night wanting to know what happened next. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. It kept my attention throughout the whole book and had very unique settings and characters. The only thing I would change is the pacing, It was focused very heavily on the middle and kinda lacked at the end… but not by much. I have really high expectations for the 2nd book and am really interested to see how the story continues.

Let me know if you liked me doing book reviews on this blog. (because I love doing them) and what books do you want me to read and review next?

-Just Another Blogger

One last thing: I was found this blog that does really cool reviews of books! If you liked this post or Just want to see some cool reviews check out this blog!!!!

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