Thursday, April 30, 2015

Group Work

Today in class we had to do group work... Dun Dun Da!!!!! And I got stuck with the most annoying person ever, for the sake of privacy lets call him... Max. So we had to make a poster displaying the different levels of comedy and how it is used. (Fun right) Max and I were assigned high level comedy, (Puns, one liners and hyperbole) And First thing he does is draw a stick figure holding a banana. I stare at it for awhile trying to make sense of why he drew a stick figure holding a banana... then he started tapping on his desk, for 15 minutes straight, and by that point I had already done half the poster and was now trying to frantically pop back out my last button (Get it, he pushed my last button? Come on, at least i'm trying... this is why I should not be comedian...) Finally he stopped tapping and stopped talking to his friend and looks at me dead in the eyes like have just stepped on a puppy, and hissed out "What happened to banana man?"  I was like woooow! First off the 'Banana Man' was irrelevant and now I look like the bad guy for erasing it. We finally finish and turn it in and the teacher comes over and says "Great job Max, you are really improving your work!" IMPROVING?!?! IMPROVING!?! YES! BECAUSE HAVING SOMEONE DO ALL THE WORK FOR YOU IS SO IMPROVING!!!!

Why am I always the one stuck with the people who don't want to work, Teacher (Are any of you teachers?) Please don't put the 'smart' kids with the... not smart kids... PLEASE!!!!!

Sorry this one was kinda short I didn't have a lot of time tonight... Any-who do any of you hate group work for similar reasons? or are you one of the kids who leech off of others? Let me know in the comments bellow  (Wow! That rhymed)

-Just Another Blogger

One more thing: Scene we did comedy today here is a little joke:

What did the zombie get when he arrived late to a party?

A cold Shoulder! (I'm gonna go now...)

Monday, April 27, 2015

How To: Get Out of Writers Block

This my friends (we're all friends right?) is the single hardest thing to do in life: GET OUT OF WRITERS BLOCK! Today i'm gonna try to help! lets do this!!!
1. open the story, novel, poem, or whatever your writing
2. write
3. write

That's it! hoped it helped bye!
- Just Another Blogger

J.K. So here's the thing! You will almost never be inspired to write, and if you keep waiting for that inspiration to come... you'll never write, you'll just be sitting there waiting to write, and never actually do it. Close your eyes and imagination a world without Harry Potter (Scary right) well that world might have been a reality if J.K. Rowling always waited to write and never did.

Now you might be saying, "those books are so much better than the one i'm writing, why try?" or "Those books changed the world... why should I keep writing when I know mine won't?" We have all said, in some form or fashion, those same words, and for most of us that's true. (Sorry that's a bit sad) But honestly about half of us will never try because were too scared or too tired, or think there's no point, so we stop doing what we love, we stop writing, we stop believing we can change the world.

These thoughts manifest in us till their all we can see. We are now blinded from the amazing possibly of a novel, poem, play, or anything. WHY WOULD YOU LET YOUR DREAMS DIE ON A SHELF! when there is so much more to them! So much more that you ignore because you think you can't! Why would you stop believing in something that has the possibility to change a life. (Think about it, Books have all changed our life no matter how you look at it!)

So how do you get out of writer's block? You write! You believe what you wrote can change the world! And then you write more! Think if every writer had this mind set! Think of all the new world that had just been created! The new thoughts that had just been thought because you took off the blinders and are ready to write! SO GO! WRITE!

If you're still struggling here are some quotes that might help:

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” -Ernest Hemingway

“All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald

“And the idea of just wandering off to a cafe with a notebook and writing and seeing where that takes me for awhile is just bliss.” -J. K. Rowling

If you are a writer and at least one part of what I just wrote affected you in any way let me know, and do you have any methods to get out of writer's block?

-Just Another Blogger

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Okay sorry I haven't posted in... WOW A WEEK! I guess between major testes, writes block, and duck attacks I haven't had much time to think about myself or blogging. Right, you might be wondering if I just wrote duck attacks and yes I did. I WAS ATTACKED! How it happened was, I was running  in my neighborhood near a pond and all of a sudden I see some ducks in the middle of the sidewalk. So I try to shoo them, and they did nothing, they just kinda stared at me with those cold heartless eyes. Then I decide to walk around them, everything went fine until I turned my back. NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON A DUCK! I hear quacking and there are now 3 very angry duck running (and flying) after me! What do you do when ducks are attacking you? I had 3 choices:
1. Magically turn into a duck, so they would think i'm one of them
2. Get into the fetal position and except death
you can guess which one I chose...
Finally as I'm running for my life across a bridge the hateful quakes died behind me and I was safe. Can I just say that was one of the most traumatic expense of my life! NEVER TRUST A DUCK! (Leave a comment if you go that reference)

-Just Another Blogger

ONE MORE THING: I don't normally do this but my friend has started a blog very recently. So if you could please take just a little time out of your day to check it out and leave some love over there it would mean a lost. Thank you :) Link:

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Out of Place

So today I was invited to go to a ceremony for my friend, I had to find a dress and put on heels, which wasn't so bad, the ceremony itself wasn't bad at all, I came in late, sat in the back where I could not hear anything because the man next to me was talking a "very serious" Phone call about his cat and dog who were apparently in love. (Do not ask, because i'm not sure) After the ceremony however is when things took a turn for the worst!!!! We need some milk and stuff so my mom drove us to walmart, keep in mind im still in a fancy dress and heels.
I’m hungry so naturally I walk to the burger king across the street and order some fries and a water. As i'm walking back to the store I slip (anyone surprised?) Cut my knee open and spill my drink all over the right side of my body. So now i'm at walmart, over dressed, carrying a damp burger kings bad, half wet, and holding a napkin to my bleeding leg. You can see how I felt a little out of place. Anything like this happen to any of you ? maybe we can all just be socially awkward, non-functioning human beings together!!!
-Just Another Blogger

Friday, April 10, 2015

humble, helping, and hipocates

Hey! I just now realized in my first post I said "names aren't really that important right?" Then my very next post was all about how important names are. My brain sometimes. Any who the important stuff... My school is doing a canned food drive, which I'm so excited for!!! I love to help people and when it comes to stuff like this I usually go all out. I love that I just helped someone by donating a $0.37 can of corn, Winning is a nice touch too. This Year I already donated about 110 cans from walking around the neighborhood collecting but it still feels like i should do more. Do you ever get that feeling when you already have done so much and surpassed Others explanations, but you still feel like your letting yourself down because you should do more? I know I do. But what gets on my nerves the most is the people who don't do anything and complain about not winning or want a reward for donating. They are the kind of people who make me want to scream!!!! I'm also one of those people who give in "secret" (not really in front of everybody... not my thing) and I don't going around telling everyone "Hey look at me! I brought 'X' amount of cans! I'm so awesome." Those kind of people really push me over the edge. Am I being to judgmental of people? I don't know... Anyway, Are any of you all into going out of your way to help others? And do you have any tricks when it comes to collecting food? Let me know.

-Just Another Blogger

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Why are names so difficult?!?!?!? I mean honestly I have 26 letters to choose from and it still took me an entire week to think of one name I like for this blog. There I was in my room spending hours looking at other blogs, doing stupid “What to name your blog” quizzes, and that got me no where. Why is this so difficult!?!?!? Honestly I went through so many names such as
  • Candle Wicks (don't ask… It sounded cool)
  • Nerd Among Us
  • Late Night Blogger
  • Leather Jacket girl
  • Unicorns in Wonderland
  • and so on…
I mean if I had some silly name like toast or something would it even matter? would you still read this? How important is your name actually? Does it affect who you will be, like if my names Gwen (Its not by the way) would that change who my personality is?  
Wow Wow wow! Too many questions, sorry if I lost you. But I want the name for this blog to feel right. Like when you're writing and you hear this one world that sound so perfect that it just makes you feel good when you use it. I love those kinds of words! Eventually I came to the title Trivial Thoughts! Hope you like it cause I can't really change it now. What do you think of the power of names? let me know

-Just Another Blogger

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hello... Amusing someone is reading this!

Hi! So this is my first post I guess… Kinda wired, I mean  i'm not even sure if any one is actually reading this or if i'm just writing to try to conceive myself this might count as a social life, But nonetheless this is my first post. I'm not sure what I hope to accomplish in this bog, but it sounded like a fun idea in my head so I thought might as well give it a try.
I like to think that we all a voice, even if some of us may never find it or ever want to use it, we still have one, and I decided I might as well use my voice to write this blog to express my thoughts and opinions on life (I guess).
I hope you (if there is anyone actually reading this) Except me for who I am and maybe we all can come out of this with something. (again not sure what that something will be, but never the less it will be something)  I guess that's it so...Hi! 
-Just Another Blogger (names aren't really that important right?)