Thursday, July 30, 2015

I shaved my head!!!

Well kinda... I shaved the sides of my head! I love it so much! I was planning to do it for about a month now and I'm so happy with how it turned out. Here what it looks like! (this is what I look like by the way)

AHHHH! Sorry I just really like my hair!!! For me, my hair is one way I like to express myself and this hair style makes me feel TOTALLY AMAZING!!!!!! Are any of you doing anything cool to your hair? Let me know and we can share our love of cool hair styles!

-Just Another Blogger

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 14

HEY! My writing prompt book is still lost! But the show ( or blog) must go on! This prompt is really simple
but I don't have much time tonight and hey, I like poems!

Prompt: Write a poem!

Once a face of giddiness
now one set in stone
the unwanted face of lifelessness
the one I've come to own

people's greed consuming them
till nothing less the beast
lies and tricks always win
but on kindness the sword reeps

Eyes sunken with in fret
but face young and bold
with remembrance of regret

and the dream of going home

This is one of my favorite poems I've written in a while and I hope you liked it! I love poetry! (if you cant tell) So so any of you like poetry? If so who's your favorite poet? let me know!!! 

-Just Another Blogger

Friday, July 24, 2015

My trip to Washington DC

Day One: 

I had to wake up at 5 am and go to the airport. I was half asleep the whole flight, but when we landed I was so excited to be in WASHINGTON DC!!! After We landed we had to rush to a really nice business hotel to get ready to go the the program we came there for. The Program is called SLU, Student Leadership University, basically its a 5 part program that exposed students to different parts of the world and teaches them how to effectively lead others and cause change! It is my favorite part of the summer! This was part two, 201, and last year way 101, that was in Orlando. 301 is in London, Paris, Oxford, and Normandy!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Clouds are cool! 
This it the note book they gave us to take notes
and doodle! They also gave us CRAYONS!!!!

Day 2:
We had Sessions all day!!!! From about 8 am till 5 pm we had to sit in a confrence room and listen to speakers, they did give us 10-20 minutes brakes in between speakers so all was good. But even if they didn't I would have been fine because the speakers were AMAZING! I could have listed to them for hours!!!!! After all the seccions were over we want to a sun set monument tour! That was cool!

This was at the FDR memorial!

It took me forever to find the 'war' part so for the longest time
 I thought it just said 'I Hate' :P

We didn't really get to see
the Washington monument
but here is a picture of it from across
a rive!
Martin Luther King Jr.!!!!!
Just a pretty flower. :)

The view from the steps of the Lincoln memorial. 
The President himself!

Fun Fact: In world War II they would put this on
 American tanks so when they found an abandoned
one they would know it was American and
not a Japaneses trap.

At the World War II Memorial they had pillars for
all 50 states! So here is Texas!

It looks so pretty at night.

Vietnam memorial wall. At my church every year we have a smaller
model set up but I was not expecting it to be so big and to
have so many name. :(

Day 3:
I didn't take a whole lot of pictures this day but I guess I'll just tell you about it! We went to the Supreme Court, the Capitol building, and the Holocaust Museum. The  Capitol building's dome was under reparies so I didn't get to see it too well but that's okay because we got to take a tour of the inside and it was AMAZING!
Welcome to the Supreme Court... and my thumb. :P

More weeping angles!

The Doctor should never come to
Washington DC!!!!!
But it really was pretty! 

This is the exact center of DC!
How cool!?!?

We got to stop and take pictures for like
5 minuts until like 10 police men had to rush us away
why? I have no idea!!!
Day 3: 
This was the last day we went out and saw thing but It was one of my favorite days! We went to Arlington national Cemetery. There our program got to do a privet wreath  laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It was so pretty and sad if I had to take away one thing for that day is that freedom isn't free.

Wreath  Laying Ceremony

They have guards that guard the tomb 24/7
we got to see the changing of the guard and
that was cool. But the most interesting
part was on the ground there was marks where
you could see the exact path every guard walks
because they do it the same way everyday!

Arlington was not the only thing we did that day my phone died so sorry! I hope you enjoyed!!!! HAve any of you ever been to Washington DC? let me know!

-Just Another Blogger

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 13

Okay so you know how I said I wanted to start posting daily... sorry! I'm really trying! So if I miss a day here and there please don't hate me!!! This prompt by the way isn't from the book I normalcy do it from because I may or may not have lost it whilst cleaning my room...

Prompt: You’re digging in your garden and find something interesting…

Image result for gardening

I look at my grandmother's old, tangled garden in the front of her crumbling house. Weeds filling the beds leaving no room for flowers to grow. I let out a sigh knowing that this would take up most of my Saturday and the sun was already pouring down on me, sweat starting to form on my forehead. I jump the small wooden fence that separated the garden from the rest of the yard, kneeling down in a spot that looked simi void of any weeds, I slip on my gloves, the ones my grandmother had given me the night before when she asked me to take on this task, then start to pull at the weeds. With each one a spray of dirt flew up getting tangled in my hair, I didn't mind too much, my hair was already a greasy mess and I had no plans on fixing it.
Finally all the weeds lay defeated in a pile and the garden looked barren and lifeless, the soil a charcoal color, dry and deprived of nutrients. I grabbed the hose and sprayed it all over the ground letting the earth sock it up. I Let my thought wander as I did this but was snapped out of whatever I was thinking about by hands resting gently on my shoulder.
I whip around the hose still jetting water to see, a now very wet Luke. Luke was my first friend when I moved in with my grandmother, he lived next door and was a year older than I was. He was obviously the cutest boy in our small town and girls were crawling all over him, but he never seemed to notice, his eyes only on one girl, me.
“Woo There Beth! I just came over to say hey, not be attacked by water.” He jokes as I drop the hose blushing. But it being the middle of summer is clothes were already starting to dry. “So what are you doing?” He asks looking at the now swampy looking soil.
“fixing up this garden for my grandmother, you know the usual.” I say shrugging and laughing.
“Well do want some help? I have too, simi- wet, free hands.” I nod then throw him a small shovel. We start digging small holes where we are gonna plant the flowers I bought, Talking about absolutely everything, from the weather to Mr. goons latest history lecture on the love life of Hitler, the usual best friend kinda chats. Everything was going great till my shovel hit something, making a dull clink sound. Looking at Luke who was just as surprises, we look in the shallow hole to see it slowly fill with clear shimmering water.
“What the-” he had no time to finish before a guesser erupted the water raining down around us as we bolt away laughing, now both of us completely soaked. The grass was now wet and Luke slipped, and since we were holding hands I roll to the floor with him. Now caked in mud, I watched as my grandmother stepped out of the door hearing all the noise her eyes the size of moons! All I could do is sheepishly smile and laugh as she ran inside to call a plumber. We had busted the old cracking plumbing line, and now my yard was flooded. “So much for the garden.” Luke laughs wiping mud from my cheek.

Yay! Sorry if this was a little cheesy but hey I liked it! NOTE! Tomorrow I will be posting a some pictures and stories from my trip!!!!

-Just Another Blogger

Monday, July 20, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 12

Note: Sorry about the white background of this post I can't make it go away! oh well...

Hey! So I want to start to do these everyday again now that i'm done traveling. I hope you are still enjoying these because I know I enjoy writing them!!!!

Prompt: What childhood rule do you wish you could change?

From the second you enter the scary world of kindergarten till the rest of your life (kinda) people always ask you “what you want to be when you grow up?” I know this isn’t technically a rule from when you were younger but I don't care! I still think this is a stupid question that we need to do away with! Why should we be pressured to know the answer to that question? I remember a teacher asking me to stand up and tell the class what I wanted to be when I grew up and I remember not knowing and feeling so scared about that. In the end I just kinda said something mundane like a princess or a elephant or a princes elephant. But even now I still have no idea what I want to do with my life (to be fair i'm only in high school) but still I think If we got rid of that question people would be 100000000 times better off.

I liked this one! it let me share something I really care about (which is my future and stuff) with you guess and honestly if I had to answer that question like the quote said, I would want to be happy because there is nothing worth doing in your life if you can't do something that makes you happy!!! :)

Let me know in the comments below what your feeling are on the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?”

-Just Another Blogger

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Summer Christmas

Okay so this year me and a few of my friends have decided to start a new holiday…. SUMMER CHRISTMAS!!!!

Why? you might be asking. Well… 365 days is too long to wait for Christmas once it's over. So we had decided to shorten the wait and have one in the middle of the year (OMG IT’S ALREADY THE MIDDLE OF THE YEAR AND ITS FEELS LIKE I'VE DONE NOTHING!!!! AHHHH) So after that... Are you now interested in starting your own Summer Christmas? Well here is 5 easy steps:

Step 1: Find some friends. It doesn’t have to be a lot just a few really close friends with that you want to spend some time with.

Step 2: Plan Presents! Notice I didn’t say buy. You should consider making your friends presents but if you are lacking in the creative department of your life or just really couldn’t be bothered you can alway buy the gifts. (Note They don't really have to be rapped becuse what store sells rapping paper in the middle of summer?)

Step 3: Find a tree. If you're like me and packed up you huge christmas tree and it now is deep in your attic and your to scared to go get it, then you can either try to find a small plastic one…

Image result for blue small plastic christmas tree

Or you could just improvise…

Step 4: Make life a little more christmas-y! Make hot chocolate, sit in front of a computer screen projecting a warming fire because it's WAY too hot outside to actually lite one, and lastly write some Summer Christmas carols (which is basically taking normal christmas carols but make them summery)

STEP 5:  You do you! Summer Christmas is about you and your friends! If I sat here and gave you a stick hand book on how to apparently celebrate then I would be going against the most basic principle of Summer Christmas: HAVE FUN :)

Before I go I just want to show you what I got one of my friends for Summer Christmas!

Image result for purple panda

Hope you enjoyed and are thinking about your own Summer Christmas! Let me know how you're gonna celebrate in the comments down bellow!

-Just Another Blogger

Friday, July 10, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 11

Hey! So i'm going on a trip to Washington D.C. next week! I wont be able to post anything for that time... I hope you can understand. :)

Prompt: Name one fictional character you would love to have as a friend. What would you do with them?

Okay this is really funny because today me and my friend were just talking about this! So I would love to be friends with Magnus (TMI) and Kurt (Glee).

Yes I know that is technically two character but to be fair I never said I was gonna play by the rules. :P I think we would all go shopping together. Just think how fun that would be!!!!!!

Ya... So this was fun and now all I can think about is how awesome this would be!!!!! If you could be friends with one (or 2) fictional character who would they be????

-Just Another Blogger

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 10

Sorry this is up kinda late… I really have no excuse...

Prompt: Write the weather forecast for tomorrow.

Good Evening people who are interested in the weather my name is Reyna Rain (so punny) and I'm here to tell you about the weather!

In the early morning to mid afternoon there will be a severe storm and it will be raining life sized David Tennants as well as miniature David Tennant. So if there's any crazy obsessed fangirls out there *Wink Wink* I would get out your doctor catching nets and brave the storm!

As the storm settles and all the happy fangirls loving tie their new found David Tennant pets to a chair or in a closet to keep them from escaping we head in to late afternoon where the a strong wind that will bring in a cloud… A Glow Cloud (all hail). To avoid being flattened by the dead animals that seem to be raining from this Cloud I would advise staying indoors or even buying a falling animal proof umbrella.

As night approaches everything will settle down and the glow cloud will have moved on leaving its trail of dead animals, and like every night we end our day with a fine mist that covers everything that whispers the name of every book ever written or the occasional rant on how the book to movie adaptions are simply awful.

That was your weather! Enjoy!

This was great! I hope you liked this!!! Let me know what you would do if David Tennants Were falling from the sky?

-Just Another Blogger

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 9

Are you guys still enjoying this? Let me know! It would really mean a lot.

Prompt: Finish the sentence: “when life gives you lemons…”

When Life gives you lemons start to question life. Why is life giving you lemons? Does life want you to make lemonade? Does life want to drink some of your lemonade? Why can’t life make lemonade for itself? Wait how did life even give you the lemons? Did it take on a physical form? What was that form? Or did the lemons just appear with a little note that said: ‘Enjoy the lemons! From: LIFE’? Wait This is a metaphor? Ohhhhhhhhhh! Then make metaphorical lemonade! Dah.

This one was kinda fun to write. I also wrote it while drinking lemonade so that was fun. :P Anywho if life gave you lemons what what would you do with them? Let me know!

-Just Another Blogger

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Writing Prompt! Day 8

Hey! I’m back! My trip was fun! So without further ado here is the prompt!!!

Prompt: You were just abducted by aliens now you have to give 3 reasons you should be returned to earth.

“Blue light? lights aren’t blue. Where on Earth am I?” Emma rubbed her eyes not knowing where she was. When her head finally cleared all the could see was metal walls and bright flashing lights, it was almost like something straight out of a cheesy sci fi movie.

“Earth? No? Not Earth.” She couldn’t find the source of the voice until her head nearly did a 360, behind her, a pale gray figure was playing with some controls on a small device, But by no means was this thing Human. It had 4 long arms each of them doing something different, and it was tall and skinny, almost skeletal. But it was it’s face that made Emma pull back in a mix of horror and disgust. It was disturbingly elongated like the head of a horse but it had 6 eyes each of them different, one looked like a cat’s, another looked like a snake’s, all of the eyes of different animals no two the same. Its mouth was pulled into an inhuman grin like it was trying to replicate a smile but got something wrong. Horribly wrong.

“What do you mean I’m not on earth?”  She stammered her eyes looked with its silverish fish eye, that looked her back unblinking.

“You humans just don't get it do you? What I said is what I mean, you're not on Earth.” It’s voice was soft and wispy unlike anything she'd ever heard.

“Then where am I? And what are you?”

She laughed, Emma thought, but she couldn't be sure, It was a deep guttural noise but also simultaneously sounded like nails on a chalk board. “I am an alien, I guess thats that you would call me, and as for where you are, I can't say, lightspeed space travel is very confusing, but I can say why you're here. If you can't tell you my magnificent trophy collection,” She jested with one hand to her eyes, “I am a bit of a collector and one eye i’m missing is a human, not that there's really anything special about them.” She ‘laughed’ again and Emma’s hands flew up to her eyes. “But It wouldn’t be much fun just to rip your eye from their sockets and listen to your dying screams,” She looked up thinking, “Although I wouldn’t mind it. But I think playing a little game would definitely be MUCH more fun.”

It got very close to Emma’s face blinking all of there eyes rapidly, Emma nearly gaged from the rancid smell of its slimy flesh. “Do you want to play?”

Emma felt like she had no choice but to play so she nodded her head and the thing drew back and world around throwing her hands in the air.
“Fabulous!!!!! Just listen to rules and then we can play! Oh I love this game! The others never want to play, But they also didn’t have pretty eyes, so maybe this one will be different.” Emma assumed she was talking to herself now more than her.

“Rules?” She asked trying desperately to get out of this, whatever this was.

“Right! You will give me 3 reasons why you should live and go home and if you fail I’ll kill you!” It said that with such a big smile Emma had to look away.

3 reasons? Emma didn’t even have 3 reasons why she should wake up and leave her blanket cocoon and netflix every morning, let alone 3 reasons to go back to Earth… Then It hit her.

“Reason 1, If there is no Wifi I will start, and never stop, Screaming! Reason 2, You can't kill me and take my eyes because you already used up all your sockets, and lastly, reason 3, If you don’t let me go then I’ll be super annoying and complain all the time.”

They weren't the best but it was all she could think of, and Emma feared if she took any longer to think something bad might happen.

What happened next was something Emma couldn’t remember, It all happened so fast. It was a mix of striking like dieing birds and the bright blue light becoming brighter as the thing pushed Emma to a table and held her down with 2 arms. The last thing she saw before her sight was replaced with darkness and unbelievable pain was in the center of the things forehead, a new socket was forming, ready to be filled.

This was definitely one of my favorites to write! Ya... so I hope you liked this!!!!! I’m truly having a lot of fun doing these and I hope they're fun for you to read too! In the comments let me know what your 3 reasons would be if you were abducted!?!

-Just Another Blogger